The Biosphere

A world of Net-Zero emissions

Challenge: The project needed to raise awareness about the environmental impact of emissions through an immersive experience. The challenge was to create a compelling, interactive narrative that both educated and engaged visitors, making them reflect on climate change and its consequences.

Solution: By creating a decade-based immersive journey, we visualized future environmental scenarios through AR, tactile installations, and narrative storytelling. Visitors were guided through the 2030s, 2040s, and a hopeful 2050, where technology and design showcased potential paths forward. The experience combined visuals, sound, and interaction to educate and leave a lasting impression about the importance of emissions reduction, fostering an engaging and educational space for visitors.




Meet Your Guide...

Hello Human,

Greetings from FLUX, I am your guide, companion and teacher in the extraordinary adventures that await you in The Biosphere.

Embark on a multi-sensory journey through time, courtesy of Dell. Where you’ll traverse decades and experience the wonders of Blitz, Voltz and Harmony.

Are you ready to join me on this thrilling voyage?

Mark your calendar and get ready to meet again in the near future. Our journey beckons and its bound to be unforgettable.

Warm regards, FLUX.

Explore Moments in Time..


Enter The Biosphere and meet FLUX, your virtual guide and storyteller from Dell. Embark on an exciting journey as FLUX reveals Dell’s bold vision for a net-zero future. Dive into the story of innovation, sustainability, and discover how you can join the mission to shape a better world.

Are you ready to make a difference?


Step into 2030 and meet Voltz, the spirit of water. As climate change intensifies, witness the surge in rainfall, powerful cyclones, and rising sea levels. Unlock new perspectives by scanning images with AR, adding them to your 3D Dell world. Dive into educational insights and explore how water influences our future.

What will you take away from this experience?


Step into 2040 and meet Blaze, the force of air. As global temperatures rise by 1.5°C, climate change becomes undeniable. Feel the heat’s impact on crops, droughts, and food supplies. Through AR, capture key moments and add them to your 3D Dell world. Interact with the environment, learn the vital lessons, and reflect on your role in shaping a sustainable future.


Welcome to 2050—a world you helped create. After navigating the challenges of the past, you now stand in a net-zero future. Relax, enjoy a cocktail from any era, and reflect on the journey.

Your story doesn’t end here—continue to be part of the collective effort to shape our sustainable future.

Before you go...

…take the magic of the Biosphere with you. As you depart, you’ll receive a memento of your journey—recipes for the cocktails you enjoyed, a curated soundtrack, and a scent spray that captures the fragrances of the environments. This takeaway ensures you can relive the Biosphere’s enchantment anytime, anywhere.

Marketing & Onboarding

Explore how FLUX drives The Biosphere experience from the very start. Through targeted Instagram and social media campaigns, FLUX teases the journey ahead, offering concise, engaging previews. The DELL Technologies website further enhances user interaction with integrated FLUX elements. As the event approaches, FLUX personally invites registered attendees via email, building excitement. At the expo, strategically placed retractable banners guide visitors seamlessly to the experience, ensuring everyone knows where to go and what to expect.

The Space

In designing the physical space, we’re utilizing MOLO technology to create an organic and fluid environment. Versatile white pieces will serve both as mapping tools and as stylish seating and tables in the bar area, all crafted from materials that echo our net-zero theme. LED ribbons will bring each decade to life, color-coding areas to match the distinct vibes of the 2030s, 2040s, and 2050s. Sound-absorbing partitions will strategically introduce music and ambient sounds, ensuring an immersive atmosphere without overpowering any single space. 

Images courtesy of MOLODesign

Augmented Reality

The AR elements within The Biosphere experience have been thoughtfully developed using 8th Wall technology, offering an interactive journey through Dell’s sustainability goals. Through the precise modeling capabilities of Blender, we created detailed 3D representations of Dell factories, which are seamlessly integrated into each decade’s theme. As participants move through the 2030s, 2040s, and 2050s, these AR elements highlight the evolution of Dell’s factories and their contributions to a net-zero future. This immersive experience allows users to engage with the technological advancements and sustainable practices that are driving Dell’s vision for a better world.