G2 Solutions

Human-Centered Consulting

G2 Solutions

Human-Centered Consulting

Challenge: G2 Solutions needed a rebrand that would help the company improve its visibility and credibility in a competitive professional services sector. The company wanted a refreshed identity that would attract new clients and enhance its presence in the market.

Solution: I developed a sophisticated and modern brand identity that positioned G2 Solutions as a professional and trustworthy partner. This included a complete website redesign that effectively showcased their services and expertise. By focusing on clear, professional design and strong messaging, G2 Solutions was able to present a cohesive brand that appealed to its target audience, resulting in increased client engagement and recognition.


Logo Redesign

The logo was completely redesigned to better reflect the company’s identity and values. The new design features a prominent ‘G’ for the founders, with stylized figures symbolizing the personalized client experience. A sharper, modern look and a new tagline now effectively capture the company’s essence and approach.

Previous Logo

Brand Guidelines

With no clear branding in place, I was tasked with creating a comprehensive brand identity for G2 Solutions. This involved designing typography, selecting primary and secondary colors, and establishing a cohesive visual style. Once the client approved the final branding, I coordinated with my team to produce all the assets needed for the rebrand.